Getting started
I haven’t had anything resembling a blog in years, and while I have had quite a lot to say in the past, I felt as if no one would really care one way or the other. This impression has changed recently, since I’m once again working in an office environment, and my interactions with co-workers shows that I do have some bits of wisdom rattling around in my brain that’s worthwhile sharing.
To that end, instead of publishing on an Intranet wiki, in-office emails or, God forbid, a whiteboard, I figured I’d once more try blogging as an outlet. After all, I don’t think I could do a worse job than most of the other blogs out there covering a wide variety of topics (or, worse yet, no topic at all).
The only reason I’m posting this now is I’m waiting for my test server to finish its re-install. We’re going through our second test pass now, and sadly my changes I checked in yesterday at 4:30pm broke last night’s build. So today has been a hectic lost day, as we’ve been playing catch-up to fix the various bugs that have crept their way into the trunk.
When I have more time, I’ll add more here.