🎉 Celebrating my two-year anniversary at Okta

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🎉 Celebrating my two-year anniversary at Okta read more

Building a stretchable UITableView header

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Building a stretchable UITableView header read more


UIMotionEffect: Easily adding depth to your UI

Styling your app using custom UIAppearance properties

Working with multiple architectures & compiled binaries

In defence of Apple’s bug process

LLVM Module Maps to the rescue!

Cocoa Dynamic Frameworks

Rebooting my blog, again

Forcing a method to run on the main thread

Don’t live to work…

Docset Viewer update v1.5

My App Store release checklist

Logging with CocoaLumberjack and TestFlight

Docset Viewer v1.2 and how to customize iCloud backups

Docset Viewer: Resuming large downloads with NSURLConnection

Announcing Docset Viewer v1.1 for iPad and iPhone

Core Graphics isn’t scary, honest!

Back To Basics: Simple debugging tips in Xcode

Building a static library with Jenkins

Using GCD and Blocks Effectively

Back to Basics: Using KVO

Back to Basics: Simple UITableViews

Back To Basics: Positioning UIViews

Smarter and More Reusable Core Data

Building iOS apps for Over-The-Air AdHoc distribution

Animating Interfaces with Core Animation: Part 4

Animating Interfaces with Core Animation: Part 3

Animating Interfaces with Core Animation: Part 2

Animating Interfaces with Core Animation: Part 1

iOS Development Link Roundup: Part 1

Fun shadow effects using custom CALayer shadowPaths

Allergies, and why Kimpton Hotels Rock

Rendering views using CALayer, Part 1

Even geeks forget their passwords

Boomle, the underdog of my iOS apps

Blogging every day ≤ Coding every day

Revenue Canada wants me to buy an iMac 27″

Recovering from bit rot

Localizing iOS apps using ICanLocalize.com

Most blog templates suck

This is not the toast you are looking for…

Using Amazon S3 as your iOS app’s server-side

I’m now a Canadian Citizen

Showing Apple my app via Facebook

New application: Should I use Three20 or raw UIKit?

I’m trying to blog every day this month

New job, and new career path

Filtering great ideas to fit my available time (and budget)

Building a custom Dashboard-like UIButton

Dealing with MKMapView’s Google logo with translucent toolbars

Continuous Deployment to CPAN

Building iPhone apps with Hudson, Part 2

Silent no more…

Last minute talk on automated Perl builds using Hudson tonight

I’m in Movember this November

Telling your user that a PhoneGap application is busy

How to use the native Alert dialog in PhoneGap

Device.saveScreenshot added to PhoneGap

How to use the ActionSheet in PhoneGap

In-App purchases allowed for free apps on the App Store

How to automate your iPhone app builds with Hudson

PhoneGap officially permitted on the App Store

Updates on Apple / PhoneGap

A Git Workflow for Agile Teams

Ideas On Tap, or “Speed Dating for Entrepreneurs”

Have a list of several hundred addresses to get coordinates for? Perl to the rescue!

I really need to broaden my music horizons

Build process experiments with PhoneGap

PhoneGap gets a fancy new demo

I’ve moved away from Blogger

Marketing, are you stupid or enlightened stupid?

New PhoneGap feature: ActionSheet support

Minor PhoneGap Alert updates

Long weekend at the Spiller Estate B&B

I ❤ HTTP::Engine

Open letter to Apple iPhone Developer Support

My blog and I are joining the Iron Man competition!

So much to do, so little time

PhoneGap UIControls ready to go

Native UI Controls in PhoneGap coming along nicely

More changes coming to the iPhone branch of PhoneGap

iPhone Certificate Woes

PhoneGap and JavaScript

Where are the Simpsons? My wife might have the solution

When to refactor, and when to slash and burn it

WebDev Links Of Interest, Issue 1

I’m diving in to PhoneGap and ObjC, finally

Anti-Valentines day, 2009

Second impressions with PhoneGap

Managing sites with Git and intelligent post-update hooks

First impressions with PhoneGap

Why, oh why did I ever leave California?

Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger

Mootools Fx.Index v1.0

GM Bailout PR fumble

How do you name your business?

Mootools 1.2 rocks

Getting started